July 22, 2009

FUN in 3D

For most of my childhood, my Uncle Ken lived with us, so he is really more like a brother than an uncle and therefore his kids are more like my nieces than my cousins. I love his girls! And I love, love, love getting to play the Aunt Steph role.

Today I took my "niece" Emily to see Ice Age in 3D. We had such a fun time. The movie was good too! I haven't seen a movie in 3D since Jaws 3 which came out when I was about Emily's age and it can't even really count because I was so scared and had my eyes closed most of the time. This time around I got to see the whole movie. I don't know if Emily can say the same though. 3D is still a little scary when you're 7. :)

So excited for the movie to start!

Am I a great aunt or what? Yep that's M&M's AND gummy bears in her popcorn. lol
Man, we look gooood in glasses...

During the movie Emily kept pulling her glasses on and off and one of the lenses fell out. It was pretty funny. I gave her mine and sort of got the lens squished back in but we had to document the look...this is my favorite!

Unfortunately she had to take one of me too.

When we got back to the house Ken and Rachel had chicken tacos ready for us. Delicious!!! Today was a pretty great day!

This is Not a Test

You know when you get the emergency tests on the radio? You hear the "Beeeeeeeep...this is a test of the emergency broadcast system, this is only a test." Well, here we get these ALL the time...but they are never a test! I'm always hearing "Beeeeepp...this is a flash flood warning, head to higher ground. or Beeeeeeppp...this is an extreme thunderstorm warning or Beeeeeeppp...heavy storms with golf ball sized hail is expeceted, get indoors and away from windows." Nothing ever happens but we are always warned. This place is wacky.

July 19, 2009


This is what we saw when Kristie and I finished lunch at Marv's today. We thought it looked sort of ominous...

Much later tonight, a big storm came through. Big lightening and loud thunder and some crazy strong winds. The dogs were really scared but I was very brave. :0


So, last night I tried Lime Jello. I always think of hospitals when I see green Jello so I was expecting the worst. It wasn't too bad though. There really wasn't a whole lot of flavor. I think if I were blindfolded, I would have a hard time guessing it was Lime flavored. I rate it 3 out of 5 stars. Just average for flavor.

It was a nice cool treat on a VERY HOT day though.

Unwanted Visitors

These bad boys were running up and down the walls of the patio yesterday. It's like Wild Kingdom in my backyard. Sometimes a little too wild...these guys freak me out. Yuck!

July 16, 2009

Driving Backwards

Seriously!!! The speed limits in St. George are insane! The main street that goes through the city is 30 MPH! AND it's downhill! I can't even coast down the street, I have to ride the brakes. I dare you to go out and try to drive 30 MPH...it feels like you're going backwards! Ugh. I'm longing for 55 MPH down Antonio.

July 14, 2009

JELLO Challenge

Did you know that there are 20 flavors of Jello and 17 flavors of Jello instant pudding? I didn't either. Not until my sister challenged me to make and try every flavor of both Jello and Jello Pudding and then blog about it. I know it sounds stupid but like I said, this blog is for her so I'm going to give it a try.

Last night I started with my first pudding - Banana Cream.
This was an easy one to start with since I already know I like it. It was just as I remembered...yummy! I give it 4 out of 5 stars all by itself. Then I cheated and made it even yummier with fresh bananas and cool whip. Yum-O! It gets 5 out of 5 stars this way.

So there we go...only 36 flavors left to try. lol

Summer Reading

Since I'm pretty bored and completely broke, I went out and got my very own library card this weekend. I guess I'm officially a resident here now. Here's the proof:

The libraries around here are super nice and they have great AC! Thank goodness! I went to two separate branches to find a book I was looking for and they were so different but both pretty sweet. Yep, I'm a nerd and I love a great library.

I know what you're thinking...my life here in Utah is just too freaking exciting!

I knew it!

July 12, 2009

Just Horsin' Around

My Aunt Kristie's boyfriend David has a horse ranch about 20 minutes north of here. It's a beautiful place and it's a little bit cooler there too. Awesome. We got to hang out the other night and take some pictures.

Here is GiGi. She's brand new, just born this spring. She's such a sweetie.

GiGi and her mom Hot Sauce at dinner time.

The dogs...Condi on the left and Oprah on the right.

I think Condi looks a lot like Zuul from Ghostbusters.

Two of the other mares. We're pretty sure the one in the background is pregnant so there will be a new baby next spring! So fun!

July 6, 2009


Ok, so there are just a few things that are good about living in Utah. One of these is being able to have lunch at Cafe Rio. Oh man, it's sooo good! Sweet pork salad with rice and beans on top of a fresh hand-made tortilla topped off with crazy good cilantro lime dressing. Heaven.

Oh, and do you see what's on the cup? Yep, that's a Coca-Cola logo! Woo hoo! Finding a place that has Coke instead of Pepsi is a miracle all by itself. This is the land of Pepsi...so scary.

Cafe Rio makes me smile and makes me take cheesy pictures of myself with my Coke. :)

Granola Girls

I am a beach girl at heart but the mountains are starting to grow on me. My Aunt Kristie and I went up to Pine Valley today. It was so beautiful! First of all, it only took about 30 minutes to get there and it was about 20 degrees cooler there. It's been over 100 degrees in St. George every day for a while now so any break in the heat is a very good thing.

We found this little stream and parked our chairs next to it in the shade and read our books for like 3 hours. It was awesome! Cool breeze, good books, the sounds and smells of clean air and nature all around. I can't believe I live so close to a place like this.

We had to put our feet in the water.

The water was FREEZING!!!

The altitude and clean air brought out our inner models...

I have a feeling we will be spending a lot of our summer days here.