October 20, 2009

Slumber Party!

A couple of weeks ago I got to babysit my "nieces" while Ken and Rachel hung out in Vegas for the night. We had sooo much fun! We started off by busting out the Halloween decorations to make the house all festive. Here we are in our Halloween hats...
Once we were in the spirit, we made some Halloween sugar cookies...
A little flour on the nose never hurt anybody...
So fun!
Then it was time for the best part...FROSTING!!! This is serious business...
Messy good fun...
The finished products...delicious!!!
After the cookie madness we went to Wendy's (the girls' favorite place to eat!) and everyone got kids meals and Frosty's! Awesome! Then we watched Hanna Montana, read a scary Halloween story, said our prayers and hit the hay since we were all pretty tuckered out.

The next morning, Ashley and I walked Emily to the bus stop for school and then she and I played every game in the game cabinet, had bath time, and gossiped. :) Then Emily came home, we had a snack, watched some Wizard show, and then Ken and Rachel came home and the fun was done. lol. I know I've said it before...but I am really good at this "Aunt" thing...did you hear that Lauren???

1 comment:

  1. So Fun!

    Mmmmm Wendy's ... :) LOL

    Are you trying to say you want me to have a kid? or you are better aunt than me?
