August 4, 2009

Ice Cream Party!

Since Emily and I had so much fun at the movies, Ashley and I had to have a special day too. Since we both love ice cream we hit the local Blue Bunny ice cream parlor and had a blast! This kid is hilarious! We chatted the whole time and laughed our heads off. She is like a little mini-me...we love all the same things. It's scary to have so much in common with a 3 year old. hahaha.

Of all of the ooey gooey crazy flavors that a kid could choose from, Ashley chose Orange Sherbet. I love her! So excited here!


Serious business...

She ate the whole thing! I was impressed. :)

We had so much fun! This "aunt" thing is pretty awesome!


  1. what a fun aunt you are! You crack me up! You are like a surrogate aunt to my kids too, just wish we still lived close! miss you! Glad your having a blast~

  2. Ashley is so freakin' cute. Her arms are the smallest tooth picks I have ever seen! :) I miss her. She is so funny. I'm impressed that she ate the whole thing too. But she has always loved food :) I want to squeeze her. I am jealous that I can't play too.
