August 4, 2009

Craziest Lightening Storm EVER!

About a week ago we had the craziest storm here. It started with the most lightening I've ever seen. These videos don't really do it justice but imagine this going on all across the sky for over 2 and a half hours. When I took the videos, the storm was just cool looking but after this, it turned in to a scary lightening, thunder, wind, rain storm. It freaked me out.

Getting started...

Full Swing...

I was on the phone with my aunt Kristie here. She lives way over on the other side of the city and she could see the madness too.


  1. wooooooooow... and you are awesome for capturing it on film!! ... and in comment to an earlier post, I've never had pistachio pudding straight up, only in this funky cool-whip salad thing my mom makes.

  2. WOW that is quite the show! You had a real life 3D movie right in your back yard! how awesome
