December 4, 2009

Baby It's Cold Outside

The sprinklers came on early this morning and this is what my backyard still looks like at 12:30 pm...

Poor grass...
The dogs usually use these bricks as a pathway to and from the grass. It's pretty hilarious to watch Scooter trying to ice skate across them. :)
It's not even technically winter yet! Yikes!


  1. Love the pictures!! I didn't know it got that cold there!

  2. Chewy is so happy he missed this - Can you imagine? He would freeze!! Brrrr....

  3. That is hilarious Steph! I miss you a bunch. Logan is so big. He misses you. You two always hit it off. The cold looks fabulous and horrible at the same time. A white Christmas would be so cool but then again your "Poor grass!" Haha!
